Customized parts and equipment


Unique solutions

Our staff is trained to design, manufacture and install unique parts and equipment to satisfy the needs of any water and sludge treatment project.

We have the necessary software and equipment required to complete all phases of design and fabrication.

Diseño de equipamiento - TAGA Tecnología Ambiental Gallega
Diseño de equipamiento - TAGA Tecnología Ambiental Gallega

We design according to your needs

Our engineers have the necessary tools for the design of parts and equipment such as SolidWorks, which allow us to provide a professional and efficient work.

If you have an idea of how a part or equipment should be but you don’t know how to design it, TAGA – Tecnología Ambiental Gallega will be pleased to help you.

We manufacture according your specifications

Our welders and lathe operators are equipped at the workshop with the necessary equipment to manufacture the part or the equipment you need, whether we have designed it ourselves or according to your specifications.

Water cutting machines, hydraulic shear, folding machine, lathe, plastic injection… Everything at the disposal of our professionals to manufacture with the guarantee of European standards and the quality of the TEVALCOR Corporation.

Hydraulic folding

Plastic injector

Waterjet cutting

Hydraulic shear

TAGA tecnología ambiental gallega_fabricación equipos a medida

We take care of our shipments

To ensure that our equipment arrives in perfect condition anywhere in the world, we protect it using the shrink-wrapping technique, which ensures protection during transport until it reaches its destination.

Wherever you are from, if you need a custom-made part or equipment for water treatment, please contact us.

TAGA tecnología ambiental gallega_fabricación equipos a medida